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GREEN HYDROGEN in the UK May 2022
(See full paper in Clean Technol. 2022, 4, 345–355)
Green Hydrogen in the UK: Progress and Prospects
Kevin Kendall Adelan Ltd., Weekin Works, 112 Park Hill Road, Harborne, Birmingham B17 9HD, UK;
Abstract: Green hydrogen has been known in the UK since Robert Boyle described flammable air in 1671. This paper describes how green hydrogen has become a new priority for the UK in 2021, beginning to replace fossil hydrogen production exceeding 1 Mte in 2021 when the British Government started to inject significant funding into green hydrogen sources, though much less than the USA, Germany, Japan and China. Recent progress in the UK was initiated in 2008 when the first UK green hydrogen station opened in Birmingham University, refuelling 5 hydrogen fuel cell battery electric vehicles (HFCBEVs) for the 50 PhD chemical engineering students that arrived in 2009.

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Meeting on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells UK
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