Jane is the UK Hydrogen Champion asking for money
“Hydrogen has a significant role to play in delivering a resilient, integrated net zero energy system across the globe. Within the UK, we have made a strong, early start to capitalise on our natural advantages. We are in a unique position to get the benefit from plentiful offshore wind and over one third of the EU’s potential CO2 storage. We have set a strong low-carbon hydrogen standard, developed our certification scheme and the business models to underpin hydrogen markets are nearing completion.
We also need a well joined-up approach across UK government. In order to get spades in the ground for the leading hydrogen projects before the end of next year, companies investing in hydrogen and its supply chain need clarity, certainty and confidence to invest capital. Strong signals from the UK Government, demonstrating a long-term commitment to hydrogen, will unlock significant investment to underpin the UK’s hydrogen economy.”
Grant Shapps is the new Minister at DESNZ which has replaced BEIS responding with no money, but this week we hope for good news
"Last year also saw significant developments in the international hydrogen landscape, with the launch of competitive funding for hydrogen projects in several key countries. It is within this context that your report offers useful evidence and recommendations to address challenges and maintain the competitiveness of the UK hydrogen sector. Accordingly, I welcome your report, which has come at a critical time in the development of the UK hydrogen economy."