Hopefully, the new Bill from Labour Government will go through in the next few months to allow Planning and Infrastructure to be accelerated.
The sad news is that it took an average 4.2 years to get permissions in 2021, much higher than the 2.6 years in 2012. Why not 2.6 MONTHS?
The other massive barrier is the documentation, which could be 10,000 pages of bumf. That red-tape kills many good projects immediately. Life is too short.
If UK wishes to go green with large Wind/Solar/Hydrogen infrastructure, eg 1000 onshore wind turbines every year until 2025, then it is vital that planning is put through on a democratic basis. For example, if 15000 local folk want it because it benefits their prices and the green motive, then they should win permission over 20 City Councillors resistance.
Keep watching the situation of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs), often involving large-scale green energy developments. The government states we require “a faster, more certain, and less costly NSIP regime” to install clean power. Will it happen?