Last Friday 29th November was the publication date for“A Trading Nation: Realising Scotland's Hydrogen Potential - A Plan for Exports”, a document from the Scottish Government which indicates how far they are ahead of England in encouraging businesses to export green hydrogen. The Energy Secretary Gillian Martin said: “Hydrogen is one of Scotland’s greatest industrial opportunities since oil and gas was discovered and we have the environment, skills, knowledge, and experience to become a driving force behind the growth of the hydrogen sector in Europe and beyond.
The main point is that Scotland is self-sufficient in renewable energy. This is vital in making economic hydrogen by electrolysis. England has totally failed on this rather basic requirement, so cheap green hydrogen is not available south of the border. I pay £23/kg to refuel my hydrogen car in Birmingham, a factor 4 higher than the retail price in China, our big global competitor. Gillian stated “Hydrogen, could present Scotland’s greatest industrial opportunity since oil and gas was discovered in the North Sea, and play a crucial role in delivering on our country’s net zero targets.” Remember to look at the the Scots Hydrogen Action Plan relating to 5 GW of green hydrogen capacity by 2030, followed by 25 GW in 2045, fitting the Green Industrial Strategy. Per capita, Scotland is beating England by a factor 5.